What Lessons Do Climate Stripes Offer Business Leaders in 2025?
Dr. Ed Hawkins updated his Climate Stripes with 2024 data, showing a 1.6OC warming from pre-industrialization. You may have seen these colorful bands before, but what do they really mean?
Advisory Services Manager Adam Stein explains the Climate Stripes and what lessons business leaders should take away as they prepare to execute new strategies in 2025.
What are the Climate Stripes?
The Climate Stripes, created by climate scientist Ed Hawkins, visually represent global temperature changes from 1850 to the present. Each stripe shows a year, with cooler years in blue and warmer years in red. It’s a simple yet powerful way to see the unmistakable warming trend caused by human activity.
Why are the Climate Stripes important?
These stripes don’t just tell a story — they sound an alarm. As the reds deepen and dominate, they reveal the rapid pace of climate change, bringing with it rising sea levels, extreme weather, and impacts on ecosystems and communities. It’s a reminder that climate change isn’t a distant threat; it’s here and now.
Why must businesses take action?
The Climate Stripes highlight the urgency of the climate crisis—and businesses have a pivotal role to play. From reducing emissions and adopting sustainable practices to innovating for a greener future, companies have the power to drive meaningful change. This isn’t just about corporate responsibility; it’s about resilience and opportunity in a changing world.
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