Pre-Engagement Form


If you have initiated the assurance engagement before 12th February 2024, submit the form by entering "Engagement initiated before 12th February" in every field and await approval from AccountAbility (typically within 2 working days). Please note: You will also need to select response options for all fields to submit the form due to a system limitation but your answers will not be assessed.

Assurance providers who propose to initiate assurance engagements (after 12th February 2024) need to fill the full form with the relevant details and submit the form.


Pre-engagement Information


Has an assessment been conducted on the adherence to the AA1000AS v3 Code of Practice that confirms no impedance to the production of a robust, independent, objective, and impartial assurance statement?

[Select - Yes / No]


Please select any AccountAbility CSAPs who will be involved in the proposed engagement.

[Search AccountAbility CSAPs web list by name or email]

Other than the CSAPs mentioned, please describe the full assurance team, with competencies of the professionals who will be carrying out the proposed assurance engagement

[Add Team Member]

Other than the CSAPs mentioned, please describe the full assurance team, with competencies of the professionals who will be carrying out the proposed assurance engagement


Years of experience in Sustainability

Competencies related to sustainability

Years of experience in Assurance / Audit

List audit / assurance methodologies that team member is experienced in


Upload the document containing the terms and conditions of the engagement agreed between the assurance provider and the reporting organization.


What is the type of engagement?

[Select - Type 1 / Type 2]

What is the level of assurance?

[Select - High / Moderate / Combination]


Will criteria drawn from the AA1000AP (2018) in order to assess adherence to the AccountAbility Principles be used?

[Select - Yes / No]

Please note: For a Type 2 engagement, the assurance provider shall assess the extent of the organization’s adherence to all four AA1000 AccountAbility Principles and provide relevant findings and conclusions, and shall, additionally, assess and evidence the reliability and quality of specified sustainability performance and disclosed information, providing relevant findings and conclusions. The assurance provider shall not accept a Type 2 engagement unless there are suitable criteria for assessing specified performance and disclosed information.

Will other criteria be used?

[If yes, please list them]

List all disclosures (e.g. reports, website content, mandated filings, or regulatory disclosures) to be covered by the assurance engagement.


Describe the relevant internal system of quality management adhered to by the assurance engagement team to discharge its obligations in connection with the provision of the AA1000AS v3 for Sustainability Assurance Services with all due skill, care, and diligence

[Input description]

Does the internal system of quality management meet or exceed professional requirements, or requirements in law or regulation, regarding the firm’s responsibility for its system of quality management, including but not limited to good industry practice?

[Select - Yes / No]

Report Information

Please note: you will be able to edit this information when filling out the main assurance form.

Name of reporting organization [Input]

Country [Select]

Industry Sector [Select]

Industry Subsector [Select]

Disclosure title [Input]

Year of disclosure period that is assured [Select]

Disclosure publication year [Select]

Title of the assurance report [Input]


Save / Submit

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