Pre-Issue Self-Check Form


- Available information below will be pre-populated from the Pre-engagement information but can be edited -

Main Details


Only the highlighted fields below (up to the CSAP item) are to be displayed on the external weblist of company reports:

Name of reporting organization


Industry Sector

Industry Subsector

Disclosure title

Year of disclosure period that is assured

Disclosure publication year

Title of the assurance report


Link to PDF / weblink of assured report (This can be filled in after submission if it's not available right now)

Did AccountAbility CSAPs carry out the engagement?

[Select - Yes / No]


The fields below are for the purpose of this pre-issue self-check, and will NOT be displayed externally.

Assurance Information

Assurance Information

An Assurance Statement that is in accordance with the AA1000AS v3 shall include the following information at a minimum, which is extracted from the content of the final assurance statement to be issued to the client. To ensure the Assurance Statement is comprehensive, accurate, and compliant with the AA1000AS v3, we ask you fill in the following fields – copied or derived directly from the statement issued – as a pre-issue self-check regarding the report the licensee proposes to issue.

Intended users of the Assurance Statement


Reporting organization responsibilities


Assurance provider responsibilities


Does the report refer to the AA1000AS v3 assurance standard?

[Select - Yes / No] AA1000AS v3 must be referenced in the report

Does the report refer to the ISAE3000 assurance standard?

[Select - Yes / No]


Does the report use any other assurance standards? If so please list them here


Please provide a description of the report's scope


Please provide a description of the report's subject matter


What type of assurance was provided?

[Select - Type 1 / Type 2]

What level of assurance was provided?

[Select - Moderate / High / Combination]


Reference to criteria used


Please indicate if any of the following criteria are referenced in the report. Multiple criteria can be selected.

[Please enter any other criteria used here]


Description and sources of disclosures covered


Description of methodology


Limitations and approach used to mitigate limitations


Notes on the independence and competencies of the assurance provider


Is the name of the assurance provider mentioned on the statement?

[Select - Yes / No]


Place assurance statement has been issued


Date Assurance Statement was issued


Performance-related Information

Performance-related Information

Findings and conclusions concerning adherence to the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles









Have recommendations to address deficiencies been included? If so, please list them here


Is there a separate Report to Management issued as part of the assurance engagement?

[Select - Yes / No]


Please upload your assurance statement document, if available [Upload]


I confirm all information above has been extracted from the content of the final assurance statement to be issued to the client organization.

[Select - Yes / No]


Save / Submit


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